Website Users are finding Site Unreachable is my site and my website users are finding the site unreachable - however i have no issue with loading the site

Vol2_7 - is my Volume usage

hard to diagnose when it works for me and not for numerous other users

Any Help would be appreciated



I have no issues with this website as well.
DNS propagation may take a while, so if this domain has recently added in panel - just wait…

ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED - get this from time to time - site down atm also

Any reason or should i start the paid service



I can’t tell if your domain is actually under InfinityFree’s nameservers and can’t access website as well. Check freenom btw, maybe they did some things to your domain, I’m not sure about that all.

might have found the problem new nameservers here i guess - as it i think before so i changed it to might help now?

There’s should be or 2 epizy nameservers, or 5 byet. You decide what to use, personal recommend: byet.