
is it down?

Your website is working fine for me. What error are you getting?


deos this not do python?

Python is not a web technology supported here (See below reply).

Use PHP instead, that language is meant for websites.

Python is only available on premium hosting.

@Greenreader9 Python is actually a very common web technology implemented with frameworks like Django, Flask, CherryPy, etc.


PHP is geared toward web servers, yes. It also has functionality, however, for many other uses, but its main goal was for web development.

This is the opposite of Python and many other languages. They have support for server technology (because they can and are used that way), but are generally meant as a multi-purpose tool.

For instance, nowadays (when I can) I almost always write my web servers in Go.

But PHP works quite well (although there are some difficulties to using it, such as handling requests directly instead of doing it when a page is accessed, which is handled by the Apache HTTP server instead and there will have to be some workarounds to achieve goals whereas other languages like NodeJS or Go or Python can do it easily as they handle and respond to requests solely) and right now that is what InfinityFree uses (and will likely always use).


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