Welcome to the Shiny club of Kirby! (2021)


Having a URL Router and handling all the pages from one file. Kinda like how NodeJS and Python work.


@anon19508339, so do you know how to make .htaccess code, or are you just finding pre-built stuff??? If you know how, can you tech me? :slight_smile:

Google is my friend lol.


would this be safe enough?

  • Norton 360 VPN Appearing in lets say Germany
  • SetupVPN appearing in Switzerland
  • PIA VPN (Extention) Appearing in USA
  • PIA VPN (App) Appearing in India

Do you reckon that’s secure enough?


Secure enough from Google? I don’t think so but it’s definitely one step.
Google tracks almost everything - from an android phone’s location to your erased Google history.
This is what DuckDuckGo’s founder & CEO says: https://www.quora.com/What-does-Google-know-about-me/answer/Gabriel-Weinberg

Good lucking tracking my connection. Its being bounced all over the UK :wink:

Also my PC thinks im on a completely different Wifi network to what im actually on so :man_shrugging:

They don’t only want your IP though. Much more than that.
You use gmail? They’re spying you there. Probably worse than Yandex.
Android phone? Your location history is being tracked + your text messages aren’t encrypted default
Google Photos? Images stored sometimes forever.

And you know why I'm an anti-googlist?

Because they’re doing this all for their ad network.

And also because they disabled the Miracast feature on Android to make people buy Chromecast.

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Google tracks deleted history?

P r i v a c y

i n v a s i o n

Big :angry:

Yes. All for their ad network.

I guess they wanted to seem relevant since it was looked down as a search engine once upon a time.

I can’t even imagine that.

Yeah, because they’ve been dominating since you were born.

I mean even in general, a big company (Take SpaceX, Tesla, Microsoft, ect.) its hard to imagine all of the work that went into creating it, and than making it successful. And then when it is successful, it is hard to imagine its downfalls, or points where it was not as good.

hmmm yeah. Also, I notice that all the big companies change their logos a lot.


Yeah, ofc.

Google changed their gmail and google meet symbols, recently.

I just something while I was searching xD.

Google’s killed projects cemetery. RIP AngularJS. It will be killed on upcoming December 2021.



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