What is service worker?


Im pretty new at making websites, so what is a service worker, I need to input the service worker filename in the arc.io website coz I’m trying to make money off it.

Use the arc plugin. It’s easier

I did, it redirected me to the arc portal

Service Workers are [generally] JavaScript code to run in the background, mainly for push notifications. On my website (hn.fyi), I use Service Workers for caching, to cache the favicon & most used static resources.

If you already have an account, login to the arc website to verify it is working.

It won’t work due to the security system:

You should either have your custom domain and use cloudflare on it or upgrade to premium in order to disable the security system.


Well, arc is meant for web browser access so it works…

How Arc works:

Arc creates a communal, distributed CDN with the latest HTML5 APIs — WebRTC to connect browsers, ServiceWorker to fulfill requests, IndexedDB to cache data, and WebCrypto to do it all securely. And it never impacts the user experience. Ever. Arc uses only a small portion of spare bandwidth, imperceptible CPU, 300MB of browser cache, and only runs when a device is connected to Wi-Fi. Cellular bandwidth is never used.


What @anon19508339 is saying is that any API (except whitelisted sites like Google) will be blocked if they make a request to your website.

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