when accessing www.apnamaali.com then it is showing different website

I have hosted a website for free with custom domain of apnamaali.com but when trying to access www.apnamaali.com it shows a website which is not mine. Unable to fix this tried every possible scenario.
I have written rewrite engine as well but that is not working.
Need urgent help

Have you waited 24 hours for DNS propagation?

I was created an account and uploaded the website, wait there for 72 hrs but this didn’t work so i closed that account and created new one but still same issue. This time it is only 2 hours right now.

You should enable Display_Errors in your CPanel first to see what’s going on.

How do i do that because i don’t find display_error functionality anywhere in cpanel

I am using vistapanel not cpanel

www and main domain loaded the same page for me so I can tell it’s propagation/cache issue, be patient.

It can’t be a propagation issue because earlier my website was there for 3 days and still i faced this issue.

Is your current issue it’s wrong www subdomain display page or…?

when i am trying to add www as my subdomain, panel throws an error of do not include www

@Apnamaali said:
when i am trying to add www as my subdomain, panel throws an error of do not include www

The www subdomain is already setup by default. You cannot create the www subdomain because it’s created automatically.