White screen website

Amigos por favor preciso muito de ajuda!
ja fiz toda a migração de um site para o infinity, o htdocs e tambem o banco de dados, tudo ja ta ok. So que agora meu site esta com a tela em branco o que será que pode ser? nome do site agenciaoceans.com

Hello, as we have asked before, please type in English. Thanks.

Can you please show a screenshot of the /htdocs folder, as well as your “index” file?

qual é o arquivo de indice?

Uploading: Capturar5.JPG…

As you are using WordPress, it doesn’t matter about the “index” file. Also, please type in English, and I cannot understand the error message in your second post as I cannot translate text into an image. Can you please copy the error message (In English) to here?

resolvi meu caso sozinha, obrigada. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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