Why does the InfinityFree vPanel not include a website builder?

Why does InfinityFree’s vPanel not include a website builder? Other hosting providers that use vPanel such as Byethost include one, but why not InfinityFree?
It’s quite counterintuitive to not include the website builder that vPanel normally comes with. Any reasons for this?

The staff of Infinity Free manually hid the site builder for many issues it had. Though I never experienced any problems with it myself it seems many others did and it was unstable.
That being said the builder itself is actually hosted by Byet/iFastNet themselves (who IF resells from) and is still accessible if you have the link. But it’s highly recommended to avoid it and choose another builder (such as an offline builder like Google Web Designer) or use a CMS like the ones available in the script installer.


Thank you!


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