Why with only 2 scripts I reach the DEP so quick?

I’ve a website that reach limit of daily entry process every 2 or 3 days.

Is a wordpress blog that have only 5 plugins active and I reach the daily entry process quite often.

The blog its cached with cloudflare and the images and all that stuff its in wordpress cdn for images.

So i cant understand why with only 2 scripts plugin (Wp-supercache and minify) i reach the limit this often

And i cant understand why if it say “your website will be aviable at 7:02” why if I enter at the end of the period i need to wait plus 1-2 hours???.

Please don’t underestimate what a “basic” plugin can do. Even a simple plugin can easily cause a high server load if it’s not built properly. And if you were just making lots of changes to your website and installing software, it’s possible that this pushed you over the limit.

probably because that indicated time belongs to another time zone

I changed php zone, it should show the time in my zone no?

yes, you can override time zone for your php / DB
but the message you are talking about came from another system that you have no influence
(system message)

The times being displayed there are the time zones of the hosting platform itself, which is not customizable. While you can change the time zone for your own website, you can set it on a per directory basis, so the system doesn’t know an “account time zone”.

Also, did you read this article already? It explains a lot of things about the entry process limit: https://infinityfree.net/support/entry-process-limit/

Caching and CDNs help to reduce resource usage of your account, but they don’t actually help so much with entry processes and (depending on how the caching and CDN is done) may even make it worse. Website structure (how many PHP scripts are executed per page) and traffic (page views) are the most important factors.

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