Will my site be removed?

I am new to this hosting.
I experienced some crazy liars about being free in past.
I don’t want to pay for hosting, from the reason that I just host a video website with many videos from youtube and similar sites.
I use YouTube importer and share videos on Facebook in my page.

I know this can mean a lot of traffic from spiders, as I already have over 1000 videos.

My question is, do you ban users after going off limits per free hosting, or do you just censure site for some time?
I already put a good time amount on creating my site here, and its always bad experience to have site deleted without being able for proper backup.

PS. Hosting is good, fast, I do recommend this for business who is willing to pay, fastest I came across actually.

It’s website hosting, not media hosting. If all the videos hosted somewhere on YouTube or anywhere else — it’s ok.

It should not be removed.

Streaming external videos should be acceptable here*, but it would be a whole different case if this video came from inside your website (which it was impossible due to upload size limit).

Site who use too much resource at specified time is likely to get suspended for a day (24 hrs. starting from first detection), and re-opened soon after that.

Getting numerous times of suspension may “trigger” staff to suspend your account as well. That’s why it’s always good to keep your script at the lowest power consumption as possible.

*video should not contain any kind of content that shows violence, pornography, or anything that smells negative. You name it.

The first few times you go over the daily limits, your site is only disabled for 24 hours. After that time, it will be reactivated automatically, so you can make changes to your website or do something else with it.

If you repeatedly exceed the limit, we may choose to not reactivate it. But you’ll receive plenty of opportunity to solve the issues before that happens.

@Admin said:
The first few times you go over the daily limits, your site is only disabled for 24 hours. After that time, it will be reactivated automatically, so you can make changes to your website or do something else with it.

If you repeatedly exceed the limit, we may choose to not reactivate it. But you’ll receive plenty of opportunity to solve the issues before that happens.

Thank you.
I would like to have something as “Put site offline when its close to limit”.
I do not really want to push even close to limit, but I know well what bad spiders around web can do, that’s what I am afraid of.

Rest assured that we have security systems in place to help stop some of the worst hacking bots. And search engine spiders are usually quite good at throttling their requests to prevent overloading websites.