WinSCP ftp timeout detected

I cant able to ftp loging i getting error

see this

First of all, I split your posts to a separate topic. Please don’t hijack other people’s topics, just because the issues look familiar.

I’d like to help you with this, but just the fact that WinSCP detected “a timeout” doesn’t tell me that much. I’ve never used WinSCP, but is there a way you can get connection logs from it? If so, could you share them here?

i retry this i got new error

even i try to enter the correct username and password
and were i can get the log

use this as settings (of course with your user name and pass)


wich pass

login in client area >pick your account >read FTP Details section

i fo und it

what is the error about his

have you set it like this

also it is possible that you have saved the wrong settings


I do not see dots ******* in password field
you may not have entered the pass and saved settings for that connection

click there EDIT …enter pass…SAVE…

test login !

i cant see the dot

plz my client is wiating for the

click here


enter password in password field


SAVE and test

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I would like to help, but I don’t have a Windows computer available to run WinSCP on.

Could you please try to setup an FTP connection with FileZilla instead? I mostly have experience with FileZilla, so I could also give you more specific instructions. It may also help to determine whether this is a configuration problem with WinSCP or a network issue.

even i try filezilla same is here

plz help most urgently