Wordpress and Websites not loading/opening

My wordpress and ALL my 3 websites cannot open. They return this error:

( seek-ye-first.rf.gd took too long to respond.


  • Checking the connection
  • Checking the proxy and the firewall]
  • Running Windows Network Diagnostics

This is after going to the cp, softaculous, then login into wordpress. What could be the problem?This is for my seek-ye-first.rf.gd domain.

The other of my domains with similar problems are: flora-and-fauna.rf.gd, and thedamnmoment.rf.gd

Working fine for me. Maybe try a different network or device?

Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.


Wordpress for seek-ye-first.rf.gd is not opening. Returning this error msg:

( This site can’t be reached

seek-ye-first.rf.gd took too long to respond.


  • Checking the connection
  • Checking the proxy and the firewall
    *Running Windows Network Diagnostics



What could be the problem?

All my 3 domains(flora-and-fauna.rf.gd, thedamnmoment.rf.gd and addictionx.rf.gd )returning the same error massage.

Works for me, try clearing your cache.


This is due to your own slow internet connection. As other have mentioned it’s working properly.
Here’s proof:

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