Wordpress isn't working (wp admin error)

Hi all. I am having problems with my wordpress that I just installed.
When I enter wp-admin, I put my username and password. Then it redirects to the home page, but it won’t let me enter the administrator.
How can I do?
My website is https://www.caladora.shop

Sorry to hear about that. Is there anything it says after redirecting to the homepage? Does it say anything like “There has been a critical error your site?”

No, it redirects me to my home page but it says nothing. It is as if it did not enter my administrator.

On install with Softaculous (if you installed with that installer) did you enable Loginizer?


Are you still facing the issue? Cause I can visit my dashboard without any issues

I think yours (and others) are having this issue due to this:


Yes, I still have the same problem. I cannot enter the wordpress control panel.
Is there any other way to enter?

Could you use incognito mode and enter or login to your dashboard and see if it will work or not?

I really have that feeling that you’re facing the issue because your ip address is down just like what I posted above.

Incognito does not allow me either

I still cannot enter the Wordpress panel. When I enter my URL https://www.caladora.shop/wp-admin with my username and password, it redirects me to my home page but without entering the Wordpress dashboard. I haven’t been in for two days.

I think it is due to this, cause mine is working.

Edit: “Ohh, a multiple topics”

try reinstalling wordpress

I tried several times. But nothing

My IP is But in that post it says that it is already working without problems. But I still have the problem.

Maybe this issue is happening to you too?

No, I don’t have the Loginizer plugin enable. I have tried in a thousand ways and nothing yet.

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