WordPress Uninstall

Hello there,
I had a site that i developed in html php and css, but a few days ago i tried to install Wordpress to see if the wordpress options would apear in the site but it didnt and i really dont want to make it all again in wordpress but the thing is i cant uninstall it, i just cant find where is the option to do it.
If any of you guys can help me I will be very grateful.


You can completely uninstall WP from file manager which is on client area (not wordpress dashboard)


ok, so what i have to do inside the file manager exactly?

inside ht-doces. select WP related files. then click on delete aka recycle bin icom.


If you installed WordPress with the Auto Installer, you can head to the Auto Installer and then click one “Installations”. Then, next to the WordPress installation, click the “Delete” button. This will then remove the WordPress installation.


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