10000 forum users celebration - special event

Lag is one of the hardest things to conquer, IK…

Wait, RTC requires a server?

Oh wait, WebRTC is P2P, not RTC.

NVM, lol IDK about WebRTC much :frowning:

I lack the math :confused:

I use mathematics a lot, you can find it in my games.
At least i don’t have to compile things in my brain.

Yeah, I’m only learning trig (intro) rn.

RT trig is fun.

Arctan and such.

That’s most of what I need in a game, actually.

Suggest one for me for a multiplayer RPG game? Need a fast-communication backend.

Currently, im working on 2D to 2.5D Math. Backends are the last thing to do.

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Go is fast but high-level.

I’m using it for my wiki:

The TTFB is like 20-30 MS

Heads up tho: Go is a bit lacking in some resources (like machine learning). Otherwise, it’s great!

similar to Zdog? I have mathematics of it in my github if you need.

People in PIXIJS (my renderer) community suggests that y /=2; But the problem here is the clickevents and deep sorting. hehe

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a.point.x = this.addTo.point.x + xz * sin(ry+atan2(z,x));
a.point.y = this.addTo.point.y + y * cos(rx) + xz * cos(ry+atan2(z,x)) * sin(rx);
a.point.z = this.addTo.point.z + (xz * -cos(ry+atan2(z,x)) * cos(rx)) + y * sin(rx);

No the isometrical ones.

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Oh my bad.

Ok. Probably will try to learn that, but thats the last thing i will do.

Wow, I have created something that I never thought I could possibly create!

Btw I rlly want to learn math, but I’m so lazy I can’t bear to even read someone else’s code :sob:

a.point.x = this.addTo.point.x + xz * sin(ry+atan2(z,x));

I don’t get it :sob:

Well, I know atan2 is for in the case that you get 0 division error (otherwise it returns undefined for the normal Math.atan), and I get what sin and arctan is (legit just learned it 2 days ago), but why use it :frowning:

Ironically enough, I want to learn quantum mechanics.

Quantum mechanics and theoretical particle physics ftw!

Geo aint my strong suit tho.

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This is defining how it is supposed to be displayed with 3d rotation, z might don’t make sense for a 2d canvas but this is used for depth sorting (sorting array members)

zIndex like?


Yeah, I want to learn that on my own (then again, I’ve never worked with 2D/3D before so it makes sense that I’m confused).

IDK what you mean by “sorting array members”.

Ah, ok.

2.5D is 3D but with a 2D interaction level, right?

Kinda like those platform runners?


HTML5 renders shapes based on the order of shapes in the code file, for example if you put a code for rendering a circle before another code for rendering a rect, the rect will be placed in front of the circle.

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