10000 forum users celebration - special event

Rest in peace~

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Good morning :wave:
Can you believe, that Quad9 ( has a faster dns propagation?

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How do you mod the crosh and your Google Assistant?

Also, Google Analytics is actually quite more complicated than I thought to set up.

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Like farming equipment?


I think part of it is once you know something, it seems easy, just take an escape room for example.

Yea. But what if you try to imagine what it’s like without knowing previously, while knowing that the knower’s curse (what you explained) exists and is probably screwing you up. You re-assume, screwing you further. And you know that happens, which screws you up further and further. It’s an endless paradox.

I know how easy it is to not know farming equipment (actually, funny thing. My brother asked what a planter was and I told him he was crazy. My mom said that because I like farming and such, it’s easy to know what that is. However, a planter should be intuitive, but eh, maybe not), but for some reason not knowing basic computer science is different. But, I guess I just have to think of it further. The thing is, most people don’t know the basic words, but rather get them from movies and other sources of exaggerated media. Hacking is not “gaining unauthorized access to a system”, but rather changing the computer to do something you like, usually for malicious intent (with hacking, actually, that is not always true). So, I don’t know…

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Perspective is quite interesting

Yes, it is, isn’t it?

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With crosh, it tells you how when you open the window (There is a keyboard shortcut to access it).

As for Google, I just use the “routines” setting, select a time, and the “Say Something” option.

I guess Google Analytics has gotten more complicated in the past years. I remember when you created a new property, and it gave you a chunk of HTML code, and that was it for basic analytics. Now, there is so much more involved.

There are other company’s that are easier to setup, but I think you get my point.

Um, idk. I never heard of that :joy:

Congratulations :partying_face:, @KangJL is no more hidden, I never knew he/she has regular.

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Got it! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

So you have your computer hooked to your Google Assistant?


No. I use the app. I don’t think routines can be setup on a chromebook

Wait, you can use crosh on your phone?

Btw, I dont think you told me how you changed your crosh color on your chromebook.

Huh? I think I confused you.

I use crosh on my chromebook

I control the Google Assistant on my phone

Was I supposed to? Oh, I was.

  1. Open Crosh (Ctrl+Alt+t)
  2. Open Crosh Settings (Ctrl+Shift+p)
  3. Edit the settings and save

My ‘hacking’:

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Huh, your account isn’t at a high enough level to access battery test dumps?

Also, now I gotcha

Nope. Probably why each test gives a totally different result.


Yeah, it’s funny how people think you’re hacking and here I am just intuitively assuming the answer (correctly).

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Its more fun on Windows, I know more commands, and can type them faster (For some odd reason I can never spell batery battey battery on the first try, it kind of ruins the image)


I wish I knew more windows commands. But the battery test on windows generates an html file which is much more impressive (unless, of course, you are trying to trick your friends).


Nice hiccup


A hiccup alive for a few moments. – Someone on this forum

Btw, nice work re-installing WordPress :slight_smile: .