10000 forum users celebration - special event

After reading this topic, I feel like I’m from a totally different generation.

Moat of you are so young, and already learning about coding, hosting stuff. And here I am, can’t read a single line of code. :joy:


Of course, you cannot Chinese statements when you don’t know its alphabet.


Computer and programming was always my passion. But, I had to choose other career as I had to put the bread on my family table first.

Now, with full time job, after work, I’m too lazy and tired to learn coding. :joy:

Anyway, enough with the grumpy comments.

Good day to you all!


@anon67726452 I’m glad you came here :slight_smile:

Feel free to express yourself as you wish.
It is better to be realistic than to act just to fit into some group

This is not a group composed exclusively of developers.
Here are people over the age of 60 and have nothing to do with IT.
And we do not judge anyone !

I only disagree with your claim in your blog about “what is the best game” :joy: :joy:

In my opinion Portal 2 is the best game !
I never laughed so much playing some other game…

After that I would choose “Half life” because I remember how it was an innovative game at that time


I play GTA Online, and I consider it to be the best game at least for me. Except for wannabe tryhards and griefers which ruin some users’ experience, but I already have all the weapons so I’m ready to fight them and defend peaceful people.


Oh, you actually visited my blog? Thank you! :kissing_heart:

I’ve never play Portal 2, I only heard about it and then I put it on shelf somewhere in my memory. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I like to play Half Life too, I heard that the story is good. But I can’t actually play it, because it makes me feel dizzy and nausea after about only 10 minutes. :woozy_face:


As old as this sounds,
A bit like when fortnite was in trend, to be honest, it was a fun game, until the shrieking 7 year olds came (No offence to any 7 year olds here :laughing:), and it is horrible, you don’t want to be in a game with screaming people.

I tend to play more quiet games, say Grand Turismo, I sometimes play minecraft, games like that.


you’re welcome :wink:

The same happens to me if I don’t play FPS games for long
and then you just need to be gentler with the mouse so the image doesn’t fly fast back and forth there
until your brain gets used to it … and after a few days everything will be normal for you.
The first days just don’t overdo it.

It is a conflict of the senses,
the ears tell the brain that your body is not moving
and the eyes tell the brain that your body is moving
and then the brain thinks you’re probably poisoned
and then starts the reaction of expelling stomach contents, etc. :joy:

But play portal 2 anyway because once you finish it you will say it is a masterpiece
and you will feel that fulfillment that rarely happens after a some game is over
especially when you watch the last animation


I can play other FPSs just fine. Like Counter Strike, Call of Duty, Battlefield.

I even played Tom Clancy Hawk, with all the spinning I made with the airplane, I felt completely fine.

Only Half Life gives me dizzy and nausea.

Anyway, I will try Portal 2 once I get home. :smile:
I really like that fulfillment feeling, so, I’d love to try out other games in order to have that feeling again.


I honestly have heard of 7YOs telling me something slur that’ve never heard them before. :woman_facepalming:


OmO I am also a Counter Strike player :face_with_monocle:


Maybe it’s a little silly to play half life and that whole trilogy because it is an old game and graphics look bad now, however as far as the problem of nausea is concerned you can always in the graphic settings of the game choose that it is not full screen but windowed mode
and then reduce the game resolution to match the size of that window
and when that window is smaller then you don’t feel nauseous

I don’t know on how big monitor you play it, but you can also push it slightly further from you so that everything fits in your field of vision as you look straight at the monitor


Oh, I’ve never tried the windows mode like your suggestion.

I will definitely try it once I get home.

I really wanted to try Half Life, because everyone’s talking about how good it is.

I don’t mind the graphic, because even now, I still play some mini games from 15 years ago. And they still look fine to me. :rofl:


I think it’s best for you to start playing half life 2 and forget the versions before that

how to enter windowed mode - you need to look on the internet
because maybe the game doesn’t have that option in the menu since it’s an old game
so it needs to be enabled in another way


Oh hey that looks cool but I’ve not played it before. I should try it since ice played genres like that alot.


Are there people who have played Max Payne series?

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I tried half life but I personally like CS more.

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I played Max Payne and The Punisher - it was fun :joy:


:grinning: :grinning:

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:weary: please knock the door before entering.