10000 forum users celebration - special event

Yesterday I wanted to give a link to user…abut mixed content article (WP plugin)
but I don’t remember or have the address written down…so
instead, I simply enter @oxydac mixed content in the forum search

I did the same thing yesterday (as always for several years)

And the forum tells me that there are no such posts at all :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
I looked at it frantically and wondered what the hell was going on ?!?!?

And only after a long minute and a half I remember and say to myself:
“omg what a fool you are, you changed your name and it is logical that there are no results”

We are not even aware of how many things we do automatically
and it becomes hardwired because we have been doing the same thing for years.

Only when the “environment” changes we realize how much something has become a habit :joy:


I got some new ideas to make it more like “all in one”

for example the FAQ section where you can easily copy the link and paste it here on the forum
(one of the advantages is that it does not contain “docs” in the url, so the forum is able to create a preview)

TXT template copies the text (which you entered inside the code)
it starts with an easy-to-remember name and clicks on the copy button
actually copies the larger text (keeping your formatting)

for other new things see source.

Download here OxyDac-if-tools.html (6.5 KB)


Working on my own additions now, will add this as well!


Ok, what do you think about this?

IF-Quick-Tools.html (7.0 KB)

I added “WHOIS (RAW)” because the other WHOIS page has trouble loading on some of my devices.


there are good ideas

but google and viewdns block iframes (that’s why I didn’t include them)

and I think you should check the code
because if you scroll down (in browser) you will see why



Is working for me.

IF-Quick-Tools.html (7.1 KB)

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Music time!

(Too much anime, IK. I just like the songs. Lota good happy hardcore music artists out there… although the first one isn’t happy hardcore the rest of them are)

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maybe your browser behaves differently
for example, Edge reports that it blocked the redirect (that’s why it works in it)

viewdns has a slightly different block for iframes
when they see that they are inside the iframe then
they do a redirect and the entire if-tools goes to their page (disappears in Firefox)


I think I made the final version
of course, now it’s up to each individual to add what they want inside

and it’s better that way because at some point we need to stop publicly adding things
because anyone will download it and use our experience spent here
and provide support to users
and that’s not in our interest (I think at least it’s not fair).

I added a lot of new things - you can see most of them in the comments (source)

for example “clear browser cache” prints/copy this:

Please clear the browser cache by pressing a few times Ctrl + F5 while viewing your website.

If that doesn’t help (because some browsers are stubborn) then follow these instructions


in the Code section I added a few more ideas, etc.

refined the buttons for “copy” as well as some other CSS

HINTS - It is not intended to be a tool that will do a hundred things
but only those general everyday things (initial)

for any deeper analysis (bigger problem) we will all use something else anyway, so there is no point in adding a hundred things inside for debugging.

other TABS are made to somewhat centralize everything so that you don’t have a dozen text documents on your computer, bookmarks on the forum, and so on.

OK here is my final (publicly available) version :joy:
OxyDac-if-tools-final.html (8.7 KB)


people have been asking when we’ll upgrade to php 8.1, but now php8.2 is already out!
(although seriously, I hope it’s soon. maybe these sever upgrades will bring php 8.1 with them :slight_smile: )


I also hope the new PHP version will come soon, especially since PHP 7.4 is now officially end of life. But the current storage migration doesn’t really touch the PHP stack, so seeing it as a sign is hopeful but unlikely.


So I just created an account over on ProFreeHost (Basically to get an idea for their layout and see if I wanted to copy get ideas from it for my own system).

Um, why do they have like no features whatsoever? And there are so many grammatical errors too!

Oh yeah, I had to fight my browser to login to the control panel. Apparently none of that data transfer is encrypted, so I was blasting my username and password across the internet. I think it took longer to login to the control panel via the one-click button than it did to create my account.

Needless to say, I got nothing whatsoever out of that visit. Hopefully they don’t send me spam emails now.


Very special cake to anyone who can get me a video of them (not a YTer or streamer but them actually) successfully completing this song in Beat Saber (it’s a soundtrack in the game, or so I’ve been told).

On easy, with the song slowed down, and dots instead of arrows?



Ever since I played camellia, I now love him.

Like seriously.

Go to the 2 minute mark.

Because they recreated my panel in the state I built it initially ~5 years ago. Since then, the InfinityFree panel has been incrementally improved and new features have been added, but their panel has remained more or less the same.

The layout of the pages is the same, the green and blue color scheme is the same. Their forum started out with Codoforum just like this one did, and was migrated to Vanilla Forums just after I did the same on this forum.

But at some point they stopped keeping up, so they don’t have a separate design for the client area, don’t have SSL certificates, haven’t migrated to Discourse, etc.

Sometimes they needed to make some drastic changes to keep up, like resetting all user passwords to make auto logins work. That change wasn’t anywhere near as impactful here because I already stored the passwords because I knew I was going to build something like it at some point. And you can’t think ahead if you’re just copying what someone else is doing without fully understand what exactly they are doing.

I have no idea why people would choose to go with ProFreeHost instead of InfinityFree, their services are either identical or worse IMO.


Ouch. And it’s worded in a very straight to the point way, with absolutely no apology at all.

I do have to agree with you on that one. I was a bit surprised when I logged in that it is so horrible, and yet so many other 3rd party ranking sites rate it good.



Because it uses the same underlying hosting platform, which overall is pretty good. Websites being fast and reliable is what matters most, and they have got that taken care of.

And if you look at the top 10 most popular free hosting brands, most of them have clunky panels, so apparently people don’t care about it that much.




And to think all of this is just looking at the forum!

I’m busy (and lazy), so I don’t respond as often as I would like but dang.

Sure love to hang out with you guys and help when I can!


Oh ghost. Argentina is the winner 2022 world cup.