10000 forum users celebration - special event

Brussel sprouts (with olive oil)?

Uhhhhh… potato soup!

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Oh no i spat the soup on floor.

this is even shorter item.style=null

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try typing this for (;;); in the console :smile: and wait a bit
if you want to freeze Chrome (CPU utilization should jump)
on FF a warning should come out

on Firefox you can type about:memory in the address bar
and keep track of which page is consuming resources and of course free up memory


Why would I want for(;;);?

I’m kidding a little and address everyone to try something else

As I have experienced, for(;;) stops thread execution.

I don’t know if it stops event loops, though.


Oh, yes it does…

#1 way to prevent someone from leaving the page (ctrl+w/click exit doesn’t work for me when this happens)?

for(;;); XD

Wouldn’t be practical (since it also blocks everything else), but if you want a “prank site” for(;;); is perfect :wink:

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while(2>1) :|

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The advantage is that today most processors have multiple cores
so when an infinite loop appears one core deals with that loop
while others deal with the system or something else,
but in the past when there was only one core CPU
when you made a loop in CMD or in some program
it was often the only option to do a system restart :joy:

So when I learned Java and OOP it was fun to play with it
(like any beginner) and make some mess :upside_down_face:

But it soon became too simple…
so I made a miniature program that made a screenshot of someone’s desktop
and writes the desired text to that image (like hacked by Oxy) and then
overwrite the existing desktop image (wallpaper) with this new one (the location uses the environment variable because the username changes from system to system)
the change is not visible immediately but only after the restart so no one blames my program for it.
So once upon a time, it was fun for me !


I beat it.

I used some double mouse cursor software.

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But I think what I did was cheating.

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Eh, I think we are all technically cheating as we try to do this.

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The button won, I will try and get revenge later :rage:

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I could see a way, just simply block all .js requests. Aka noscript.
EDIT: Or not, apparently you set it to not exist until the script fires, which then unhides the button.

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Well, you guys can easily win using touch screen devices(mobile, laptops , wtc)


thats exactly what i was thinking

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I tried that on and iPad and touchscreen PC, no luck :frowning:

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Welcome to this thread.

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Wait wth why did you edit one of my posts (I can’t even see what was edited)?

What have I done wrong… :frowning:


the last; is missing;
and when you press enter it just jumps to a new row
so I edited so that it does not confuse others