Activate pdo pdlib

I want to activate pdo dblib (linux) in hoting, help me

help me

I’m sorry, but our servers don’t have the PDO dblib driver.

We don’t provide any Microsoft SQL Server databases, so even if we did have the module, you can’t use that with our databases. While you could in theory host a website with us and connect it to a database hosted elsewhere, know that database connections are quite sensitive to latency, so a database with another hosting provider will make your site extremely slow.

So please check if your software supports MySQL databases as well. If not, you may need to look for Windows Hosting which provides Microsoft SQL Server databases.

Our hosting does fully support .htaccess rules though. To fix the .htaccess rules for your website, you probably need to get an example file from somewhere and upload it to your htdocs folder with the name .htaccess .


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