Adding domain name via CNAME verification failed

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Error Message

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How long has it been since you’ve made this change? As mentioned in the messages you sent above:

you may have to wait 24~72 hours prior to being able to add the domain to your account…


I added the domain name through cname resolution, not by modifying the ns server. I will wait for a few hours to see if there is any change.

Tried again today, still failed.

I think I found the issue. And it’s caused by incorrect DNSSEC configuration on your domain.

In order to provide additional security to DNS responses, you can secure your domain name with DNSSEC. However, to make it work, DNSSEC must be configured correctly with both your domain provider and your DNS provider.

However, this is not the case for your domain. The nameservers say that the domain uses DNSSEC, but Cloudflare doesn’t return the records:

To fix this, you either need to setup DNSSEC with Cloudflare or disable it with

The reason you see what you see here is because the client area does not validate DNSSEC but the control panel (apparently) does.


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