Can't access my cpanel

buenas necesito las credenciales de cpanel de mi cuanta pero cuando ingreso me aparece que no tengo cuenta.
soy dueño del dominio

First of all, two points to note:

  • This is an English language forum. Please write your messages in English, or at least include an English (machine) translation.
  • Please don’t hijack someone else’s topic to ask your own question. Unless you’re 100% sure you have the exact same issue, create a separate topic instead. That way, every question can have it’s own, clean discussion without having to find relevant answers in a big dump of unrelated questions and answers. I’ve split off your post now since you’re new here. Next time, it will just be flagged as off-topic and be deleted.

I checked the domain and while it is hosted on InfinityFree, it’s part of a profile with a different email address.

To give you a hint: it’s an email address with the same local part (so something@) but at a different email provider.

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