Can't connect Silex

I’m trying to connect Silex to my InfinityFree account using FTP, but, I’m getting this error: {“message”:“Invalid credentials”,“name”:“UnifileError”,“code”:“EACCES”}. Does it have to do anything with InfinityFree? Just, asking. Silex is here:

It took me a while to realize that your were not referring to this Silex. The editor looks pretty slick though!

I tried to publish something through it as well, but I got the same error. I’m pretty sure my credentials are OK so I doubt “invalid credentials” is the right error message. But it’s hard to say without any further information.

So, error from their end, correct?

I do not have such a problem
bur some error appears

can not AUTO-create a subdirectory
as you see in the video (1:53) no subdir test2/css/
nor test2/js/
