Cloudflare don’t have an option for modify nameservers


i have a problem,

my domain registrar is cloudflare

cloudflare don’t have an option for modify nameservers

what can i do?


Then you cannot host on free hosting

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Unfortunately, you can’t host your domain with InfinityFree if your registrar is Cloudflare. I would recommend that you move the domain away from Cloudflare as soon as you can, generally 60 days after registration.


i think maybe with artificial inteligence become posible

No, AI is not going to change how our backend systems work


i try the hostinq with the free subdomain

Since Cloudflare do not allow changing Nameservers for your apex domain, you have the following solutions:

  1. Use a subdomain of your domain
  2. Create an account using InfinityFree free subdomains and route your site with Amazon CloudFront to use your Custom Domain. Type your InfinityFree subdomain as origin. (you will need to CNAME to CloudFront’s address on your custom domain)

The second method only works if you are not having a CMS/login system in place

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