Cloudflare ssl error

i have trying to upload my cloudflare ssl for the past 2 days , i have threads here and followed the methods but its not still working.

Any body here that can help

What do you mean exactly by uploading “Cloudflare SSL”? One of the reasons people tend to use Cloudflare is so they don’t have to upload their own certificates in the first place. Or are you referring to the Cloudflare Origin Certificates?

yes origin certs

@Dhraysblog said:
yes origin certs

The SSL/TLS section only gives you the option to upload valid SSL certificate. Valid SSL certificates are certificates which are generated by a trusted certificate authority and are valid for the domain name you’re trying to install them on.

However, Cloudflare’s origin certificates are, technically, not valid SSL certificates. Cloudflare is not a real SSL certificate vendor, so their certificates are not trusted by most browsers and computers. Only Cloudflare knows the certificates are trusted, by no-one else on the internet (including our control panel) will trust those certificates, so they are rejected.

As I see it, there are three options you can choose for your SSL:

  • Set Cloudflare’s SSL mode to “Full” (not full strict). This way, Cloudflare will set up a secure connection with the default certificate installed on accounts.
  • Get a real, valid SSL certificate for your domain and install it.
  • Upgrade your hosting account, where you can installed invalid certificates if you want, or you can use free Let’s Encrypt certificates so you can use strict SSl.