Configure php directives Error

Im currenly upload my laravel files and return 500 from laravel what should i do? im read from forum that tell me to generate app_key but still error

See this article for more informations.

get same error, im put this code to index.php

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);

I would recommend from the Control Panel to enable “Display Errors” from the “Alter PHP Config” on the Control Panel.

how can i do with this?

From the same article I posted before, but edited by me a little bit:

To see what’s going wrong, you could try to enable PHP errors.

The easiest way to do so is by going to your control panel, then Alter PHP Config → select your domain name → Alter PHP Directives → set Display Errors to On → click Alter PHP Directives. Now, try to reload the page and see if an error message occurs.

If an error message occurs, check the app’s configuration file for any database changes to apply. If there are any, create a database and set the database data to match the new database host, database name, username and password. Then you will be done!

im not using database and try what you tell still same return laravel default 500
currenly im use laravel 5.7

If you have a pre-installed instance of Laravel you can use it on free hosting. If not you need to install it locally on a Linux computer by following these steps and uploading the project folder on your htdocs, removing the other Laravel non-installed version. However, Laravel needs a database to work fine.

In Laravel, you should be able to find the logged errors in the storage/logs/ folder. Alternatively, you can add APP_DEBUG=true to the .env file to enable debug mode (which will show the errors in the browser).

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