contact forms not sending email or messages

i have the site
i have an email in infinityffree called [email protected]
i have tested it, i received emails from mytemp.emai , but
when i want to use the following contacts forms in my site:
i have added the email: [email protected] in the php code where it should be.

origin tutorial: Código de PHP - HTML/PHP de Formulario de Contacto simple


a) i filled out the form and click submit, and a thank you appear, but not receiving messages in [email protected]

b) i filled the field when i click submit it appear an error
This page isn’t working

c) contact form c) i filled out the form it says it was send but i dont receive it in [email protected] is currently unable to handle this request.

i have tested like 4 contact form and are not working, i dont know what is the issue for this, i got tyred of trying to find a solution…

i sent a email from to [email protected], and i received the message in my email [email protected] located in infinityfree hosting in my account.

Make sure the Web host supports sending email

Some Web hosting providers do not allow or enable the sending of emails through their servers. The reasons for this may vary but if they have disabled the sending of mail you will need to use an alternative method that uses a third party to send those emails for you.

An email to their technical support (after a trip to their online support or FAQ) should clarify if email capabilities are available on your server.

my question is, infinityfree hosting support sending email from contact forms?
i have tested [email protected] from the hosting mail service, i receive messages from other email provider but, when i try to send message from from my contact from, it does not work, it looks like the server is not allowed to send email using contact forms. php

You could have saved yourself a lot of time if you had checked the FAQ first: