Deleting files

Hi everyone!
I have a problem from there every time I upload a large file such as 10MB it will automatically delete from my space, so I do not know where the source of the problem comes from, but apparently I think that is getting from host.
Thank you for your understanding and for your response
Good day everyone

My website URL is:és-du-français-:-les-indispensables/bookQQ1022DF01235550046/

What I’m seeing is: when i upload a pdf file to the server the file exists for a while, then if we come to download it it is no longer available, if I take a look at my space I do not find the file anymore.

I’m using this software: filezella for upload, and a platform that I wrote

Additional information: even for my .htaccess file when it exceeds 10 KB it is automatically deleted

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