DISK ERROR? some files upload faild but some is ok

Hello. I have a trouble when upload my files.

For exmaple, when I upload files to “/htdocs/mysoftzone/file”, some files just is ok, but anothers will show success but when I refresh , they will be disappered.

I cannot found the rule of the faild files.

  1. Not size limit. Because I can upload some file that is 2MB, but a file with 8KB is failed( success upload but will be disappered after refresh ).
  2. Not file type. I am uploading zip files. some is ok and some is failed(same effect as above).

The important part of log message as below:

STOR black-background.zip
150 Accepted data connection
226-File successfully transferred
226 0.802 seconds (measured here), 12.09 Kbytes per second
Uploaded: black-background.zip 9 KB ? 0.79 ? (9.7 KB/?)
SITE UTIME /htdocs/mysoftzone/file/black-background.zip 20090120052535 20090120052535 20090120052535 UTC
550 utime(/htdocs/mysoftzone/file/black-background.zip): No such file or directory

It seems that it is first uploaded success, but in the fast time, it disapper,so when SET TIME TO FILE, it get the error of No such file or directory .

Another one is similar:

STOR BirskDesktop.rar
150 Accepted data connection
226-File successfully transferred
226 2.361 seconds (measured here), 38.91 Kbytes per second
Uploaded: BirskDesktop.rar 91 KB ? 2 ? (38.9 KB/?)
MDTM 20101023162256 /htdocs/mysoftzone/file/BirskDesktop.rar
550 Can't check for file existence
SITE UTIME /htdocs/mysoftzone/file/BirskDesktop.rar 20101023162256 20101023162256 20101023162256 UTC
550 utime(/htdocs/mysoftzone/file/BirskDesktop.rar): No such file or directory

Can’t check for file existence and No such file or directory

However, the failed zip files will success sometime after I upload other files. However agin, some they but not all would disapper again when I upload more files.
SO,I believe , It seems that there are some error on the disk or filesystem on my hosting server. Could you have a check?
(main domain:6m9iflzk.epizy.com
Hosting Volume:vol2_2 )

Give me a hand please.
Thanks.Thanks so much.

What are the types of file you’re trying to upload? I don’t know by heart which file types have been blocked, but .exe files cannot be uploaded for example to prevent our servers from being used to distribute malware. I can imagine that certain types of archives which we can’t look into (like .rar files) are blocked as well.

Thanks for your reply.
i am uploading ZIP files when I Found this FILE Problem.
Threre are about 30 normal zip files I want to upload this monent, and I did’t try and found that other type of files would have the same problem.

In fact, I really don’t think my file is disapper becase BLOCKED. Because :

However, the failed zip files will success sometime after I upload other files. However agin, some they but not all would disapper again when I upload more files.

Some of the failed zip files now was sucessed and keep more than one hour. But some of them would disapper again If I upload new files, it means that If now I does not upload new files, the target files wolud NOT disapper agian, But if I do, it maybe disapper again.
So Mmm… In my opinions, It looks like a disk/file system error , not juse the files was bolcked by your BLOCK RULE.
If the file is not allow by BLOCK RULE, it SHOULD disapper every times ,right ? And not fire by UPLOADING OTHER NEW FIELS.

Waiting for you reply. Thank you so much.