File upload size limit in wordpress and php.ini limit

I am developing a wordpress site, I have hosted my wordpress site on as of now.

I am trying to upload a plugin which is 18MB and landing with this error "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini."

I have tried everything possible, that is i have altered config in .htaccess, i have always edited wp-config.php and also added max_size to php.ini; i have restarted my server too. But I am unable to resolve this error and upload a plugin above 10MB.

Any pointers would be of great help.


It is usual for PHP sessions to be limited to about 10MB uploads. The resolutions are to use FTP, a CPanel file manager,  or a chunked uploader which splits the upload into smaller sections.  (Surprisingly WP has no such capability out of box) 

The file size limit is a system setting in the master php.ini file, and in most cases cannot be changed by users. I imagine that will be the case here.

It is usual for PHP sessions to be limited to about 10MB uploads. The resolutions are to use FTP, a CPanel file manager,  or a chunked uploader which splits the upload into smaller sections.  (Surprisingly WP has no such capability out of box) 

The file size limit is a system setting in the master php.ini file, and in most cases cannot be changed by users. I imagine that will be the case here.
The uplaod size limit for clients at here is 10MB and that can't be changed, php.ini can't also be changed here on free hosting.

If the plugin is too big to upload through the WordPress admin area, you can install it manually instead. These are the official instructions from WordPress about how to do that: Managing Plugins « WordPress Codex