Files resetting to 0B when i edit them

My website URL is:

What I’m seeing is:
My inode count is at 5 (even i know it should be higher). Something has happened now so when i edit or upload a file they reset/clear back to empty but don’t delete. They aren’t bigger than 10MB. I’ve checked all the other rules as well.

I’m using this software:
either Cyberduck or Monsta

Additional information:

It’s really annoying cause any file I touch I just ruin :frowning:

The inode counter is only sampled once every so often. It’s not a live indicator which shows you how many files are on your account right now.

What kind of file are you uploading? Do you experience this with many files or just a few specific ones?

any file i edit or upload just kinda wipes itself but still remains there

Have you verified this by downloading it? And remember to click the ‘Save’ button.

yes nothing in the file but it still keeps it’s name. Save was always used

I tried to check it, but the domain isn’t even hosted with us right now. Can you please add the domain to a hosting account with us again?

i removed it now doesn’t matter

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