Forum Data Lost During Upgrade

As you can probably already tell if you’ve visited our forum before today: we just upgraded our forum and changed the design! We’re now running the latest and greatest version of Vanilla Forums once again.

The theme we used previously was barely compatible with the previous version of Vanilla Forums and completely incompatible with this one. Because of that, we had to make a new design as well.

Sadly, a complication during the upgrade process resulted in corruption of the main forum database. Fortunately, we create off site backups every day of the forum, so all discussions and messages until yesterday could be successfully restored. Unfortunately, this means that all posts created today were lost unfortunately.

We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience caused and we’ll do our best to prevent this from happening again.

There’s even a bigger problem, I signed in with and for some reason, the site signed me into someone elses profile :frowning: This might be part of the database corruption :frowning: My username meant to be “Lanturn” same as email.

@rymecstudent said:
There’s even a bigger problem, I signed in with and for some reason, the site signed me into someone elses profile :frowning: This might be part of the database corruption :frowning: My username meant to be “Lanturn” same as email.

User profiles are synced to the client area and the client area database was not affected (the client area is more important, so it has a better backup strategy). The problem here is that you have two different client area profiles with two different email addresses and usernames.