Ftp and website is down

Unable to connect to FTP server on port 21 .

Are you sure this is the address of the FTP server? This is often different from that of the HTTP (web) server. Please contact your ISP helpdesk or system administrator for help.

Since yesterday I have the same problem…no answers from anybody…I don’t know if server is down or something else.

There is an issue on vol9_2 and vol8_6 where accounts are corrupted on iFastNet’s end. You can’t access FTP either. The only solution is to wait, or to move your domains to another account with hosting volume different than vol9_2 or vol8_6. NOTE: You may lose the website files, so if you have them, there is no problem, otherwise you need to restart coding your website or start over by installing WordPress and etc!

Thank you for you reply! I don’t have back up, I was in first steps of site creation but a lot have been done. So I hope waiting would be enough and i won’t have to do everything again…and more, if I got to change accounts etc as you’re telling me!

However my hosting volume is 8_6 not 9_2 .

I’ve edited the first reply, so it should be OK.

I’m sorry, but which website is down? And what do you see on the downed website?

Thanks for your replies.
I’ve just seen 2minutes ago your post about website with the IP adress Mine is located at this address. So I will wait hoping everything go back in the day as your post mention it.
My website is : iangoltrant.epizy.com
Username: epiz_23387779

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