FTP Connection Error 530

So this is usually an unusual thing for me because usually the FTPs always connect without any issues. I’ve checked everything but I keep getting the same error. My username, password, FTP host, etc. and all of my information is correct but I’m getting the error response(s):
Response: 530 Login authentication failed
Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

I’m not using no Proxy, VPN or anything, I’m using all the same, safe and correct FTP Connection Settings I always use whenever I use FTPs.

But, nothing is working?
Maybe the FTP is undergoing maintenance?

I’ve accepted all the Certificates and everything… It’s just so odd because everything is correct…
Please help,

Did you follow this guide already? https://infinityfree.net/support/i-cannot-connect-to-ftp/

@Admin said:
Did you follow this guide already? https://infinityfree.net/support/i-cannot-connect-to-ftp/
Yes, I was going through this various times trying to understand why it wasn’t connecting. But, I don’t see any randomly generated FTP Passwords? When I go to my FTP Accounts under my CPanel Dashboard it’ll show me my login credentials where it’ll say:
FTP Settings
FTP user name epiz_########
FTP password Same as your cpanel password
FTP host name ftp.epizy.com
FTP port 21
FTP software
Username number replaced with #s for Security.

But, nothing works. I obviously have the correct Password also cause ? I’m logged into my account.

@Friendifie-Inc said:

@Admin said:
Did you follow this guide already? https://infinityfree.net/support/i-cannot-connect-to-ftp/
Yes, I was going through this various times trying to understand why it wasn’t connecting. But, I don’t see any randomly generated FTP Passwords? When I go to my FTP Accounts under my CPanel Dashboard it’ll show me my login credentials where it’ll say:
FTP Settings
FTP user name epiz_########
FTP password Same as your cpanel password
FTP host name ftp.epizy.com
FTP port 21
FTP software
Username number replaced with #s for Security.

But, nothing works. I obviously have the correct Password also cause ? I’m logged into my account.

The control panel password is listed in the Account Details tab.

Where exactly are you logged in to? The control panel or the client area? Please make sure you are able to login to the control panel.

@Admin said:
Where exactly are you logged in to? The control panel or the client area? Please make sure you are able to login to the control panel.
Oh, my mind is now officially blown. I was getting the FTP Credentials from the CPanel Dashboards, I didn’t realize I have a hashed InfinityFree Account Password and FTP Details in the main Client Area.

Issue resoled.
Thank you @Admin!