Having a data base issue

I am having a mysql connection issue
the site is http://thevoresurvey.great-site.net/
the error message I get is
Error connecting to the database: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘epiz_31350632’@‘’ (using password: YES)
everything in the config file looks to be right


The error you are having is explained in this article:


I am certain I have everything right the only thing I can think of that control panel does not appear to have is a option ti set all the privileges for the database like in cpanel I did not see no option to do that

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Can you share the code you are using to connect? Be sure to hide the password.

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define(‘MF_DB_NAME’, ‘epiz_31350632_voresurvey’); //The name of your database. Note that this database must exist before running installer.php
define(‘MF_DB_USER’, ‘epiz_31350632’); //Your database username
define(‘MF_DB_PASSWORD’, ‘edited for privacy’); //Your database users password
define(‘MF_DB_HOST’, ‘sql201.epizy.com’); //The hostname for your database


Basic MySQL user previlages are automatically given to the database.

I checked your config.php, and I can see the password is wrong.

Please note that you need the password of the HOSTING ACCOUNT. This is NOT the same as the password you use to login on app.infinityfree.net.

You can find the hosting account password by logging in to the client area, click Manage next to the account, find the MySQL Details panel and click Show/Hide next to the Password field. That’s your database password.


iI actually tried that once and it did not work but this time I got to work, But i am having the same problem I have on another host I tried when I go to test the email send feature by clicking of the forgot password feature it shows the link sent but I never got no email they told me that was cause they had there php mail disable I joined your site cause I thought your was enabled but it is doing the exact same thing is you php mail feature enable or disabled?

PHP mail() is disabled here.


Well according to to advertising I seen it is suppose to have free php hosting if that is the case this site is useless to me …

But you can use the free, popular, and open source PHPMailer library here to send emails.


Sorry for the long reply that phpmailer sounds interesting but after watching a youtube video about all the configuration that has to be done I think that is a bit beyond my ability

If you do know PHP and coded your PHP thingie, it should be easy for you! We can help you out if you get stuck :wink:


If you use an off the shelf script or CMS, it probably has SMTP functionality already built-in, and if not (like WordPress) you can often find external modules/plugins.

If you’re building your own site, you’ll need to do it yourself. But maybe our contactform example, which also uses PHPMailer, can help: GitHub - InfinityFreeHosting/contactform: Simple contact form with PHPMailer


I found a site that is similar to mailgun I register with called https://app.mailersend.com and I need to verify my domain and they want me to put in some info I figure out where to put the spf information
but for the DKIM and return path I am having a problem with that when I go to click on create cname it ask me for a source I tried putting in the domain and that worked but I was unable to get it to do anything else

I do t think dkim is possible here, sigh.

Use the SPF section. DKIM is a type of TXT record (I think). and so is SPF, so it should work.

What do you mean by DKIM return path?

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I got the spf section done I think but Iam having problems with adding the following:

Create a TXT record for mlsend._domainkey.ywith this value:v=DKIM1;t=s;p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDB0zS/EOnDaV+owMjUBV2lDcOdwtpIdUPaL2WgVdgr3VdIXZ3JFQJs/Zck8Q07vLU2nWAtLufZPIPKjgQdpK5gSE2DdzzlCy19o9qk1NDSL8KBTUtSxD+sE3OQ0O6THwDAV2qDs5KICzAxhUVRhcRtqA9ZrdO7lp8KosAXslY41wIDAQAB

and then it say:

Create a CNAME record with this name: <domain name edit for privacy_
Record value:

it may be easier if you go to the site and create a free account and try it your self

You can’t create DKIM records here. You need to use a custom domain and an external DNS provider, such as CloudFlare, to do so.