Help with DNS poinitng.

Am I understanding this wrong or can I add my domain without pointing nameservers I’m looking into using cname a aaaa or any other that gives me access to my domain.

@RelatedTitle said:
Am I understanding this wrong or can I add my domain without pointing nameservers I’m looking into using cname a aaaa or any other that gives me access to my domain.

What does the bold text say on the page you linked to?

So do point it to nameservers and then add an ip?

@RelatedTitle said:
So do point it to nameservers and then add an ip?

  1. Point your domain to our nameservers.
  2. Add your domain to your account.
  3. Move it back to your own nameservers.

Oh ok I did that but then how do I add an Ip record by A or can I ad cname instead

@RelatedTitle said:
Oh ok I did that but then how do I add an Ip record by A or can I ad cname instead

What do you want to add where? Can you please explain what you’re trying to do?

I want to add an IP instead of nameservers so I add the nameservers and then after it’s added on the account I move to IP so I can get access to my dns as I need other records too

@RelatedTitle said:
I want to add an IP instead of nameservers so I add the nameservers and then after it’s added on the account I move to IP so I can get access to my dns as I need other records too

Yes, you can do that. Use the article you linked to initially to figure out the IP address of your website.