Hosting server injecting cookies/snippet into my php web api script.

Hosting server injecting cookies/snippet into my php web api script, Because of that my i am not getting json output from my web service.

Instead of json output i am getting scrambled html output as follows

This site requires Javascript to work, please enable Javascript in your browser or use a browser with Javascript support.

Is Infinityfree name worth/suit for your hosting ?
you can’t resist to add ads snippet in each and every files hosted on your server !
what is the use of your server if i can’t use it properly.

We provide a website hosting service. That means we provide hosting to websites. If you are using your account for websites, you won’t notice this (clients with Javascript and cookies support are unaffected by this script). Using free hosting for API services is not supported. You need to upgrade your account for that.

I am going to upgrade my account. will 50000 hits limit will be removed from then ?

@xamDev said:
I am going to upgrade my account. will 50000 hits limit will be removed from then ?

I’m not sure about iFastNet, but on XVHOST there is no hits limit.