How to check website traffic statistics

The website traffic statistics in control panel shows minimum mark of 10000 visitors in a day. My website gets maximum 600 visitors in a day now.

So how will I see the true traffic statistics for my website ?

the counters are a little late. Maybe you can see correct one after while.

I should go to account statistics ?

It shows Daily Hits Used 198 of 50000

So my website got 198 visitors today ?

Not that. Please read this KB article to learn more about Daily Hits.


CloudFlare provides pretty good statistics. Though I don’t think it’s worth to enable it just for statistic reasons (and can’t if you’re using a free subdomain).

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What kind of traffic statistics do you want to see? Do you want statistics to learn about how the servers are loaded or to get data about how people interact with you website?

If you want server load statistics, we sadly can’t provide those for free hosting. You can upgrade to premium hosting to get these statistics or, like @Kamdroid said, use Cloudflare for your website, which does generate such statistics.

If you want to learn more about how people interact with your website, you can use an analytics tool to track people on your website. Google Analytics is a very good and free service you can use for this.

Note that the server load statistics and analytics services will give completely different numbers. The server load statistics work by measuring the requests coming in to the server, while analytics services use Javascript loaded onto the web page. Server load statistics will measure hits, request times and so on. Analytics services are better at tracking visitors, sessions and visitor journeys through your site, but people who don’t run this analytics code (e.g. bots or people using tracking blockers) will not be recorded by the analytics service. And in some cases, bots may also send fake data to your analytics service.

And finally, in your first message, you said that the traffic statistics show a maximum of 10,000 visitors per day. I have no idea where you got that number from, because that’s not something we track. We track hits, which is limited to 50,000 per day. Hits are not page views, sessions, visits or visitors, and those terms are definitely not interchangeable. Please see the article linked to by @Ergastolator1 for more information.


My website is getting 800 to 1000 daily hits, so how many unique visitors is my website getting ?

It depends on your website and your visitors. There is no simple formula to derive page views, visits or visitors from hits.

If you want to know about unique visitors, you should use an analytics tool like Google Analytics. But note that Google Analytics does not track hits, and may measure different values than what the server does.


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