I cannot access my WP

Hello, I would need help. I cannot access my WP. It happened when I typed https instead of http when I wanted to change something. Who could assist me with this?

Thank you in advance

@SPRdwmn - please don’t do cross-posting

This is your topic and please wait for an answer


Hello, this is the first time I’m using this forum and I did not know how to use it. Feel free to advise me how and where to post my question and delete my post afterwards.

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If you dont provider your website address, you’re off luck for help!

Thank you. http://radiowoman.media/ is the website name. When I was changing links, I typed https by mistake and saved it. After that I cannot access my wp admin page.
I’m getting this :

An error occurred during a connection to radiowoman.media. Peer reports it experienced an internal error.


Do this

To regain access to your WordPress admin area, you can do the following:

  1. Login to your client area, find your hosting account, click Manage and then go click Control Panel.
  2. Go to phpMyAdmin, find your WordPress database and click Connect Now.
  3. Find the table with the name ending with _options and click on the name.
  4. Find the rows with the column option_name matching siteurl and home. These should be the first two in the list, but you can use the Search function if you can’t find them.
  5. Double click the value in the option_value column, and change the start of the URL from https:// to http://.

Thank you so much for your help. It’s much appreciated. It’s working again :slight_smile:

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