I can't access the admin login menu

Saya tidak dapat mengakses menu login admin http://p3mdluwu.rf.gd mohon petunjuknya

I can’t access the admin login menu http://p3mdluwu.rf.gd please ask for instructions

Hi and welcome to the forum

your website menu called a file http://p3mdluwu.rf.gd/Admin/index.php

but that index.php file is empty

Saya sudah mengecek dan isinya sudah ada

English please !

Apakah saya harus mengganti file index.php atau listing yang salah mohon petunjuknya

and the last time I remind you - use English

that means your website or template is incomplete
it does not contain the part that should do some “administration”

but it’s not clear to me what kind of administration this would be…

do you have any need for that?
what that admin section from the menu should do ?

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I have replaced the index.php file but it still can’t be seen when accessing the admin log

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