Image Problem


I am working in wordpress on a profile plugin and when ever some creates an account and wants to add a profile picture (or i want to change my profile picture) it says ” data-max_files_error=”You can only upload one image” data-upload_help_text=””>Upload. I can’t seem to figure out how to fix it but other sources said to contact their hosting to see if they would expand the size of the image allowed or something of that nature. I apologize if this is not a hosting error, however I am not sure how to fix it. Any help would be great.

Thanks so much!

Uploading images, as long as the total upload size is less than 10 MB, should be no problem. How many images are you trying to upload at once?

@Admin said:
Uploading images, as long as the total upload size is less than 10 MB, should be no problem. How many images are you trying to upload at once?

I am only uploading one image at a time right now, but there will be more photos uploaded over time.