Is this forum supported by the rules?

Just wanted to ask if this forum is supported by this hosting.So my account won’t get into trouble.Thanks for reading and here’s the link : “

Can you please explain what that forum is about? Is it about video game cracks (as in, to pirate the software) or cheats? Or both? It is about online or offline games? Nowhere in your forum I see a clear description of it’s subjects.

Well it’s about account cracking , sharing proxies , sharing configs,sharing wordlist , sharing cracked softwares.

I’m still not entirely sure what you mean by “proxies”, “configs” and “wordlists” without know any context about what they proxy, what they configure and what kind of words are on the list. I’m sure you know what all that jargon means, but I don’t even truly know what the context of that jargon is.

However, software piracy, like all other criminal activities, is strictly forbidden on our hosting.