Issues getting my website online

Hello, I’m having issues getting my new website online. It is currently just showing the Directory Listing page. I uploaded my website using FTP through Mobirise.

site url?

It’s kinda working now, but icons are broken and menu links just go to the Mobirise site [which sounds like a me problem and I’m trying to fix it].

Fixed the links. Icons and images are still missing, however, and the social icons are stretched. sir!

Your assets folder is missing, upload it.

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What assets folder? I looked in the file explorer and the assets folder from Mobirise is there.

yes, just reupload it. :slight_smile:

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Download it and reupload it? By the way, I uploaded using FTP.

No, content of your assets file are missing, that’s why i want you to reupload the assets folder in your PC .

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I uploaded using FTP, I don’t HAVE an assets folder on my PC.

then how did you upload to ftp?

With Mobirise, you click a publish button and it uploads to your FTP settings. I don’t know how other programs work but this is the case with mobirise

I’ll try saving to a local disk and copying the assets folder from there.

Woo, that worked!

Sorry for wasting your time

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