Microsoft Office 365 Exchange MX Records not working with Infinityfree

My website URL is:

What I’m seeing is: I have correctly set up the Exchange MX Records as verified by an Office 365 Admin, but SMTP email is still not delivering. It shows that there are no configured MX Records on a DNS lookup even though they are there.

I’m using this software: VistaPanel ControlPanel MX Records

Additional information: Why isn’t my email delivering to me and how can i fix it?

I have cloudflare enabled. There seems to be no option for MX records there.

The cPanel integration of CloudFlare is going to make trouble with MX records; so, from the same topic I posted, but edited by me:

If the issue of the broken MX records prevents you from using Cloudflare integration properly, remember you can always sign up with Cloudflare directly without using our integration (assuming you have your own domain name).

And, from the topic “Cloudflare shows “Error 1016: Origin DNS error””, always edited by me:

The first thing you need to do is go into your InfinityFree control panel and disable Cloudflare for your domain there. If you will be using Cloudflare’s nameservers, Cloudflare should be turned off in your control panel. Then signup for the “Free” plan of Cloudflare through this link and adding your own domain name there, see if the DNS records are correct, and change the nameservers from the InfinityFree ones to the CloudFlare ones from your domain registrar.

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