My site has been deleted


Reativem o meu site imediatamente! Não houve resposta da minha parte para que vocês deletassem o site. O site estava ativo, todos os dias eu usava ele. O site continha todas as informações para o sorteio que acontecerá em 2 dias! Como irei realizar o sorteio se vocês excluíram todos os dados de todos os participantes participantes no site sem eu concordar! Além do mais eu estava pagando todas como faturas mensalmente, não teria porque eu estar pagando e o site estar inativo. Mesmo eu não tendo visto o e-mail que me mandaram dentro do prazo antes de vocês excluírem o site, vocês não tiveram o direito de apagar meu site sem eu ter dado resposta, levado a entrar em contato comigo até eu dar resposta! Nem os dado do site vocês me enviaram para eu poder salvar! Ou vocês resolvem isto reativando meu site, enviando para mim todos os dados contidos nele ou eu terei que recorrer a um processo! Pois isso não pode ficar assim, sendo que vocês não obtiveram resposta minha em relação a exclusão do site, e eu estava pagando pelo plano e vocês nem ao menos esperaram chegar no dia 20, que seria o último dia do plano!


Reactivate my website immediately! There was no response from me for you to delete the site. The site was active, every day I used it. The site contained all the information for the draw that will take place in 2 days! How will I hold the draw if you deleted all the data of all participants participating in the site without me agreeing! Besides, I was paying them all as invoices monthly, there wouldn’t be because I was paying and the site was inactive. Even though I didn’t see the email you sent me within the deadline before you deleted the site, you didn’t have the right to delete my site without me having given an answer, led you to contact me until I answered! You didn’t even send me the site data so I can save! Either you solve this by reactivating my site, sending me all the data contained in it or I will have to resort to a lawsuit! Because this can’t stay that way, since you didn’t get an answer from me regarding the deletion of the site, and I was paying for the plan and you didn’t even expect to arrive on the 20th, which would be the last day of the plan!

Please reactivate my site immediately! There was no response from me asking you to delete the site. The site was active, I used it every day. The site contained all the information for the draw that will take place in 2 days! How will I carry out the draw if you have deleted all data from all participating participants on the site without my agreeing! Besides, I was paying all of them as invoices monthly, it wouldn’t be because I was paying and the site was down. Even though I didn’t see the e-mail you sent me within the deadline before you deleted the site, you didn’t have the right to delete my site without my reply, so you contacted me until I gave an answer! Not even the site data you sent me for me to save! Either you resolve this by reactivating my site, sending me all the data contained on it, or I will have to go to court! Well, it can’t stay that way, since you didn’t get an answer from me regarding the site’s exclusion, and I was paying for the plan and you didn’t even wait to arrive on the 20th, which would be the last day of the plan!

Please speak in English.

It sounds like you upgraded to premium, did you? If so, your InfinityFree account means nothing anymore. If you did not, InfinityFree reserves the right to delete or suspend your account any time, without reason.

InfinityFree reserves the right to suspend service at any time without prior notice if or when the health or normal running / performance of a service is effected / degraded by a website or hosting service.

Because you didn’t do anything, your site was deleted. To stay active, a site must have at least 5 hits per month.

If you did not receive the notice about 1 week earlier, please specify. You didn’t write clearly.


Is there nothing that can be done for me to recover my site or at least the administrative part of it with the data?

Welcome @solitario!

Are you using InfinityFree or iFastNet? Also, have you checked to see if the files are there, or if the databases are still there using the correct credentials?

If you are using InfinityFree, no.

If you are using iFastNet, maybe.


There’s nothing you can do if you didn’t take a backup.


Looking at your domain, I see it’s currently using an IP address from iFastNet’s premium hosting.

If so, nothing has happened to your site, it’s completely safe. Your website was moved to premium hosting, and it’s all in-tact, safe and sound there.

Since the site was moved to premium hosting, it was no longer active on free hosting, which is why the free hosting account was deleted.

You say we did not ask for your permission to delete the site. But please note that we did tell you (twice) that your account was deactivated, and that it wouldn’t be deleted if you didn’t reactivate the account. Since you didn’t reactivate the account, reached out to us or responded in any other way, we assumed you would be OK with the account being deleted, so we did.

Please understand that since we provide free hosting, there are many people who just create an account and then forget about them. We don’t want to waste our server space on abandoned accounts, which is why we proactively clean up inactive accounts. We try to make sure that we don’t take down sites that are actively in use, and when we do, we send multiple emails about it and provide almost three weeks to reactivate it.


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