My subdomain just redirects me to the infinity free 404 web page

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Error Message

404 Page Not Found

The page you were looking for could not be found! If you entered the URL manually, please double check what you’ve entered. If you clicked a button, please click the back button in your browser. Learn More.

Other Information

I have uploaded all my website files to /htdocs and /hexteria-enrage/ . I’m not sure if there is maybe a step i am missing or what?


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Thanks for that!
Seems to stop me from heading to the 404 page, but I still cant view the website because it wont provide a secure connection.
Once again, thanks for the answer!

I tried to open your website with the developer tools of my browser open on the Network tab.

In it, I see that your home page loads fine, however that page contains some Javascript codes that redirects to pages/index.html. So visitors are redirected to, and that page returns a 404 error.

Is the home page supposed to redirect to that other file? And does that file exist?

Sorry for the late response, yes it is supposed to be there; and the file does indeed exist. I have put that there because my file structure has all the html organised into a html folder, css files into a css folder and so on. But the way your hosting works it automatically opens the index.html file in the root directory; so I made that file redirect to my home file (outside of the root directory)

As you can see, the page at is loading file.

But from the home page, you’re redirecting people to the page

The redirect goes to pages but the files are in html. So that’s why it shows the page is not found.

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