My website still gets suspended for CPU limit


My website has still been getting suspended for the cpu limit even after installing a cashing plugin, cloudflare, lazyload images, blocking bad bots, and removing the wp heartbeat my website still gets suspended for cpu limit. Can you please tell me why this is happening? if it is a plugin causing this please let me know which one.

Thanks for any help.

Make sure that it is a lightweight plugins not an heavyweight plugins and do not refresh your site and the wordpress dashboard everytime you make a changes.


What plugins apart from the ones you have mentioned do you have installed?

And also if you don’t mind what is the location of said website? (The domain) So i can see if it is having some issues loading stuff in the developers console.?

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As the article about the CPU limit describes: no, nobody can tell you for sure why your website hit the CPU limit. The servers only track basic counters per account per day, which don’t really provide any useful data to optimize a specific website.

Although, looking at your suspension history, it seems your account got deactivated for hitting EP limits too, so high, bursty traffic is part of the story. Is there any plugin on your site which does some automatic background refreshes? Because if so, that may be part of the issue.

As for the things you’ve done now, what is this lazyload images thing you’re talking about? I can’t find any WordPress plugin or Cloudflare setting which does this.


Lazyload images is an option built into the theme I use.

Could you tell us a list of all themes and plugins you use?

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Here is a list of the plugins:
Beautiful and responsive cookie consent
Blackhole for Bad Bots
Breadcrumb NavXT
Cloudflare Flexible SSL
Google Language Translator
Heartbeat Control by WP Rocket
Lightbox Plus Colorbox
Links/Problem Reporter
MyArcadePlugin Pro
Nextend Social Login
Really Simple SSL
Uber Login Logo
Webcraftic Clearfy – WordPress optimization plugin
WP Fastest Cache
WP Favorite Posts
The theme I use is myarcadetheme.

Then that’s probably why, you have too much plugins and some aren’t lightweight. For starters, limit the use of Heartbeat. Also, keep the essentials because it looks like too much plugins. Lightweight plugins will always add up!


That’s bad, very bad!

Reduce your unnecessary plugins, please?

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I was able to reduce my plugins to these:
Cloudflare Flexible SSL
MyArcadePlugin Pro
Really Simple SSL
Webcraftic Clearfy – WordPress optimization plugin
WP Fastest Cache

Yeap, that’s right. Also, never ever have 2 or more optimization plugin.

That’s the rule of thumb for better Wordpress.
Happy Coding!


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