mysql ETIMEDOUT error

I was trying to connect to one of my databases using mysql, yet every time I get the “ETIMEDOUT” error…

var robloxCon = mysql.createConnection({
host: ‘’,
user: “epiz_22519307”,
password: “SomethingVerySecretiveHere”,
database: “epiz_22519307_winterfluxroblox”

robloxCon.connect(err => {
if(err) {
} else {
console.log(“Connected to Economy Database!”);

I have checked multiple times, and I am quite sure that the field names are correct.

Any help is kindly appreciated

also my website is,

although I am not sure if it helps since I am accessing the database from the website

if I understand it well

Oh, thanks for that info.

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Back to searching then, :cry:

trying to access the DB from outside? if that’s right, then sorry

btw. please change the DB password, etc. → is publicly visible here

@AncientYears said:
although I am not sure if it helps since I am accessing the database from the website

Like others have said: remote database access is not possible here. We provide a website hosting service, not a database hosting service.

@OxyDac said:
btw. please change the DB password, etc. → is publicly visible here

Fortunately, @AncientYears was smart enough to only publish a placeholder.