Need help with static HTML site

I've got my HTML web page up, and loads fast. Any suggestions how to get rid of (.) periods at top left corner and bottom left of banner image? I believe they're the cause of white space.

And how to link download button to files. I have a 'apps' folder in htdocs for zip files.
I have an .htaccess file in 'apps' folder, copied from 'Download Manager' plugin.
Do think it will work, or needed? I take it that .htaccess is used to protect/make private?

# Apache 2.4 and up

Require all denied

# Apache 2.3 and down

Order Allow,Deny
Deny from all

Banner image issue was a typo .

Any suggestions how to fill image left, top, right, but not *wildcard including everything as below?

* { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; outline: 0; font-size: 100%; vertical-align: baseline; background: transparent; }

since requires javascript to make it redirect upon click (and AFAIK button doesn’t provide href), then the workaround should be using and modify the appearance until it looks like a button. 

And for image, I think you need 

img { Attr goes here }

this will only modify all img attributes, not entire (*) page.

never use windows backslash as a file address
fix all the backslashes you have in the code in slashes /

copy all your code and paste here for validation The W3C Markup Validation Service

uses all these tutorials from left side menu HTML Tutorial

it is useful to add a target “_blank”
so when clicking on a file -  download opens in a new tab/window instead of interrupting the current page

HTML a target Attribute

<a href="" target="_blank">Download my dummy zip</a>

CSS Layout - The position Property

OxyDac, thanks for advising me to develop my own site. I will research your suggested download code. See progress @

Again, I appreciate the help from everyone here!

very good - a big difference for just one day
once you master the basics you will upgrade your website more and look much more advanced

it’s harder to make it from scratch than to edit a template

you can later add a horizontal menu and have multiple pages

the declaration is missing and some wrong code has to be changed
look at the validator

please do this

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
uses this excellent service to optimize the images
if file is smaller the page loads faster

eye does not see the difference but you will save a lot of KB (more speed)

some of free navigation

Thanks OxyDac for nice resources. I’ve cleaned up code and added View image _blank links. I really don’t need multi pages and menu, everything fits real nice on one page. A single Comments section, maybe. I sure like 9.87mb project instantly opening over 102mb WordPress glutton. I’ve not had one delay, maybe 8 seconds to draw when not cached, but site is loaded immediately.

Image Draw can load multi page images; tif, gif and icons. And export 32-bit, 24-bit, 16-bit RGB 555 & 565, 8-bit, 4-bit, 1-bit. Indexed images can use Wu Color Quantize or Octree Color quantize. Output with my libpng compression maxed at 9 was nearly as good as TinyPNG’s re-compress. I need to work on my software’s specifications, additional screenshots…````

you definitely need to optimize the images

see how the load sheds and what is the culprit

WebPageTest Test - Running web page performance and optimization tests...

WebPageTest Test - WebPageTest Details

tinypng vs your file online

I didn’t covert my images to 8-bit, just re-compressed at highest level. Same image with 8-bit Wu Quantize = 459kb. With 8-bit Octree Quantize = 522kb. And TinyPNG = 439kb.

I don’t understand file size loading faster, of coarse 8-bit is smaller, it has less color data.

What did they do to forum? Said page didn’t exist… finally got in, everything is different.
I suppose you’ve tested your site with 24-bit vs 8-bit and see much greater load times?

OxyDac- I went ahead and compressed all images at TinyPNG to make absolute smallest. Boy. servers went down while uploading images with FileZilla 4:00 pm yesterday. Just got files updated and web site up 9:20 am this morning.

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I spoke too soon, up 10 minutes, now IFastNet took over site saying I’m suspended. I guess it’s time to look into BlueHost…

I have checked your account and it was not suspended. There was an issue earlier today which caused some websites to redirect to However, that does not mean that your account is suspended. When in doubt, check the client area instead. If the client area says your account is active, that means it’s active, and not suspended.

Also, if you are interested in paid hosting, you could still give iFastNet a shot. You may not trust our free hosting anymore, but while we are generally proud of our quality, we can’t provide the same level of service for free as you get by paying hundreds of dollars up front.

@Admin I’m new to web site development, and thankful InfinityFree has allowed me to jump in without upfront cost.

I take that IFastNet owns InfinityFree?
Does IFastNet basic plan after promo have 3-4 dollar a month yearly plan with free .com domain?

I am interested