
Hello. For some time now, the bills I paid have been bounced back to me and forced to pay again, if not the service is blocked. But I cannot contact Ifastnet customer service. For example. I bought a domain number for which I have already paid, (here is the receipt: This is a payment receipt for invoice WFWEF-834162 sent on 11/20/2021 Due Date: 11/21/2021 Amount paid: $ 2.99 USD Invoice number: 1712915 Invoice number: WFWEF-834162), but this morning I receive a message in my email and I am sent a new invoice to pay for the same product for which I have already paid for more than a week. And the domain name has effectively been deactivated. Please help me solve this problem.

  1. This is not iFastNet support.
  2. You can create an account at and create a support ticket.

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