PHP 5.4 error reporting

Ok, so I’m giving up learning php 7 for a time. I set one of my sites back to php 5.4, but now I have no error reporting:

In v7 I had it. I have the script in my config.php set to report all errors. I’m at a loss.

I have cpanel set to show errors, too.

can you try enabling error reporting on alter php config? it’s not fatal error. so it won’t throw 500 error

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I checked your website, and it’s just returned a blank page with an empty status code. That means the code actually ran successfully (hence the lack of errors), but just isn’t returning any content.

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This is the simple script:


while($user = mysql_fetch_array($r)){
echo $user[‘id’]." | ".$user[‘username’];

So… why is my new page blank? The table is populated… Same configuration, just a new test site.

$r = mysql_result(“SELECT *
FROM user”);

Your website seems to be working fine from here. Where exactly on the page should you see database results but don’t you?

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